Radio NOVA has added a further 16,000 (+12%) to its weekly listenership in the most recent radio ratings *. The latest JNLR, covering the period Jan-Dec 2015, now shows that NOVA has 148,000 listeners in Dublin city, county and commuter belt, up from 132,000 12 months ago. NOVA also has 77,000 daily listeners, with a further 16,000 tuning in every day from outside its franchise area.
The results add to a long line of successful JNLRs for NOVA and come two weeks before the station’s annual Help Our Homeless Radiothon, which raises funds for Focus Ireland to help beat homelessness. The Help Our Homeless Radiothon will take place on 17th & 18th February; NOVA is aiming to raise €40,000 over two days of broadcasting.
NOVA broadcasts to Dublin city, county and commuter belt, including North Kildare, North Wicklow & South Meath on 100.3 (Three Rock), 100.5 (Kildare), 95.7 (Wicklow) and 100.1 FM (Balbriggan).
* JNLR/Ipsos MRBI 2015/4 Daily Listenership & Weekly Listenership, Dublin Commuter Belt.